100% bond back guarantee
14 days job guarantee
Re-cleaning within 72 hours guarantee
House Cleaning Melbourne
End of Lease cleaning, move out cleaning, Bond cleaning, End of Lease cleaning Melbourne, move out cleaning Melbourne, Bond cleaning Melbourne, Apartment Cleaning, , Apartment End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne,

Powermax Cleaning offers a special regular housekeeping service in Melbourne for homeowners who need routine cleaning of their property. Regular house cleaning is a service that provides you with the flexibility to book professional cleaning on your own terms. The scheduled cleaning service provides complete customization and is arranged to suit your specific needs.

Flexible booking: Schedule your regular housekeeping sessions the way you want.

Customizable service: The service is based on priorities, specific requirements and tasks.

Personalised experience: The same house maid will tend to your home chores each session.


We understand that our clients are going through enough stress already with moving between houses. Our House Cleaning Melbourne Checklist therefore covers all areas

For added convenience, we will fix any cleaning shortfalls reported within 14 days, free of charge.

End of Lease cleaning, move out cleaning, Bond cleaning, End of Lease cleaning Melbourne, move out cleaning Melbourne, Bond cleaning Melbourne, Apartment Cleaning, , Apartment End of Lease Cleaning Melbourne,
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